Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pearl Spring-----the third Famous Spring in Jinan

The Pearl Spring is a culturally significant artesian karst spring located in the city of Jinan, Shandong Province. It is said to be the third famous spring in Jinan. The Pearl Spring is located on the bottom of in a square spring pool that is surrounded by a stone fence on all sides. The water flows off through a canal into the Daming Lake. There are a series of small springs around it, such as Chu Spring and Shun Spring.

Pearl spring pool is 42 meters long and 29 meters wide, the water in it is as clean as jade. A string of white bubbles come out from the bottom of the pool, as if floating thousands of pearls. Pearl spring area is a beautiful and elegant garden. Green pines, cypresses, and willow falls are set there orderly. There is a begonia in a height of five or six meters which is planted one thousand years ago. There is also a man-made lake in it.

The name of the spring has two legends. One is said that the spring was formed by tears of the two wives of Shun (a king in anthology) named Ehuang and Nvying. Another legend is said that the name is because the bubble in Pearl Spring is like shining pearls, so the name came into being.

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