Friday, September 19, 2014

Black Tiger Spring-----the Second Large Spring in Jinan

The Black Tiger Spring is a culturally significant artesian karst spring located in the city of Jinan, Shandong Province. Located in the southeastern part of the old city district of Ji'nan, the spring is ranked as the second most significant among the 72 named springs in Jinan (after the Baotu Spring). The water of spring stems from moderately-deep circulation and emerges from a water-filled limestone cave in a steep cliff. From the mouth of the cave, the water is funneled to flow out of the mouths of three ornamental stone-carved tiger heads into a square-shaped spring pool. From there it runs into the old city moat, next to which the spring is located.

On the southern wall of the pool are three carved stone tiger heads and from the tiger mouths spring water comes out. Hence, it gets the name of the spring. However, someone believes that spring water dashing against rocks produces a noise like the roars of a tiger: hence the name. Black Tiger Spring is one of the four most famous springs of Ji'nan, ranking first in rate of flow among all the springs inside and outside the city. As with most of Ji'nan's springs, the best time to visit this sight is at peak rainfall, generally around July and August.

There is a pavilion built in 1985, which is aim to appreciate the spring and beautiful sceneries around, tourists could climb it and overlook Black Tiger Spring. By the way, this place is suitable to visit at every season, but autumn is most appropriate.

For more information, please visit

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