Monday, September 22, 2014

Jinan Zoo (Taurus Park)

Jinan Zoo, formerly known as Taurus Park was founded in October 1959. It opened 1 May 1960, and was renamed Jinan Zoo on 8 September 1989. Jinan Zoo is one of China's largest zoos in it is located in Shandong province.

Jinan zoo is located in the northern part of Jinan. It opened its doors to the public on 1 May 1960. Jinan is one of the most pronounced zoos in China. In 1995 it was named one of the top 10 zoos in China. It is now a large scale zoo which is involved in activities such as breeding, tours, zoology, entertainment and catering. It contains more than 300 different species of animals with over 5000 animals in total. There are valuable species originated from China include: giant panda, golden monkey, Asian elephant, takin, kiang, Thorold's deer, Hoolock gibbon, Francois' leaf monkey, fox, red-crowned crane. And there are also imported precious species such as African elephant, gorillas, chimpanzee, orangutan, white tigers, giraffes and zebras.
The zoo utilizes the animal natural characteristics to isolate and keep animals in their regions. This way by reducing the amount of fences and walls used it can create a better environment for both humans and animals. However, this idea still requires further discussion and regarding safety. In the near future, the zoo hopes to increase the amount of human-animal interactions.

In 1999 it constructed an open peacock area where peacocks can roam free. In 2000, US$ 800,000 was raised to construct China’s most advanced herbivore natural habitat exhibit. Visitors are able to walk-through this exhibit. In 2001, they once again raised over US$ 1,000,000,000 to construct a facility that allows young people to interact with animals. The flow to the zoo has reached over 1 million visitors a year.

For more information, please visit

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