Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Qingdao Underwater World-----The First Aquarium in China

Lying to the northeast of famous Luxun Park and to the west of Number One Bathing Beach, Qingdao Underwater World is China's first public aquarium and it is the first underwater world part of which is set completely underwater. It is a large item of modern marine ecology. By means of modern techniques and advantageous geological location, it combines the advantage of the Qingdao Aquarium, Specimen Hall and Freshwater Fish Center, becoming a hot spot for marine ecotourism.
The underwater world consists of several interesting landscapes, including the inter-tidal zones, underwater tunnel, performance hall and exhibition areas. The inter-tidal zones are teeming with many special species, forming a particular ecosystem. Various algae, echinoderms, marine mollusks, arthropods and small amounts of fish are living here. Common marine life like starfish, sea urchins, sea turtles, octopus, crabs and small sharks can be seen; some bright-colored or odd-shaped varieties will bring you a unique and spectacular view! The underwater tunnel breeds thousands of kinds of halo bios worldwide, among them are some rare species. Sauntering in the tunnel, you can see the sharks cruising leisurely in the water, shoals of fishes pulling on the reefs, and still some species staying quietly in the seabed.

Wonderful items, like the dances between human and sharks, sea-maiden exhibitions and underwater ballets are performed in the performance hall. If a new couple is willing to experience an underwater wedding here, they will undoubtedly have an unforgettable memory of this solemn and happy moment. In the large cylindrical exhibition chamber, the colorful corals, various beautiful seaflowers and gorgeous tropical pet fish will fully occupy your eyes. In addition, there are exhibition areas for sea horses, nautilus, lobsters, jellyfish and other marine life.
This aquarium is supposed to be the oldest in China and it is pretty big, covering a large area in several buildings and even running under the road. It has a good selection of fish but, as is common here, the tanks are often on the small side (especially for the mammals) and they love their garish lighting. The whole place is pretty well looked-after, though. Life has the most abundant specimens worldwide, displaying over 20,000 specimens of more than 1,950 rare marine lives of China and the world. As the only specimen hall featuring the marine life in China, it also keeps many specimens of endangered species.
The Underwater World has the largest cylindrical jug in the world with 5-meter diameter and a height og 7.5 meters.It will open up before your eyes a magic and colorful underwater world of corals. What's more, the Cross Harbor Tunnel is famous. It is surrounded by water. When you walk through it, some fish may swim beside you and you may feel as if you are walking in the real ocean. It is fantastic.
For more information, please visit

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