Thursday, October 9, 2014

Lu Xun Park of Qingdao

Lu Xun Park is a small park in the city of Qingdao. It is dedicated to the memory of Lu Xun, a famous writer during the May Fourth Movement. The park stretches for nearly a kilometer along the Huiquan Bay. It is spread over an area of four hectares. The park is a beautiful blend of natural setting and cultural sites. Popular places like Number One Bathing Beach, Small Qingdao Island and Little Fish Hill are in the park's neighborhood.

It was built in 1929 and was previously known as both "Ruoyu Park" and "Seashore Park". In 1950, in order to commemorate Lu Xun, a great Chinese writer, ideologist and revolutionist, the park received its present name. In October of 1986, a three-meter (9.84 feet) high granite sculpture was erected at the entrance of the park to honor the 50th anniversary of the death of Lu Xun.

The park's main entrance is a beautiful example of craftsmanship. It is a stone archway sheathed in glazed tiles, constructed, like so many other features of the park, as a memorial. The script used to etch the park's name on the gateway is based on Lu Xun's script. Beyond the archway is a captivating world of pine woods, rugged reefs, exquisite pavilions and sea dogs. An undulating, narrow stone path weaves through this setting, providing a welcome relief to seekers of tranquility. One of the park's major highlights is the scene of the ebb and flow of the waves, the boats and birds out in the sea, and watching the moonlight fall on this enchanting park.

Walking along the undulating narrow stone paths which wind through both the rocks and woodland, you will feel both happy and relaxed. Sitting atop the rocks and watching the waves has a unique and lingering charm. The waves bring in magnificent view of billowing; glittering foam and leave with a quiet gentle flow, and in the distance, the sea presents an intriguing view of colorful sails and flying seabirds. Lu Xun Park has become a desired destination for watching the tidal bore and the moon, listening to the waves and fishing.

The park is highly reputed owing to the extraordinary characteristics and many tourist souvenirs of Qingdao City are printed with the enchanting seashore scenery of the park. Moreover, some cultural interests distinguished by the literary works of Lu Xun have been set up here. A 75-meter (246 feet) long corridor is carved with 45 poems written by Lu Xun. A copper embossed portrait relief of Lu Xun is inlayed in the middle of the corridor. Seeing the stately poem corridor and other cultural landscape, visitors will be inspired by Lu Xun and feel the deep cultural atmosphere of the park. What’s more, visitors can have a good time in the Underwater World which is near to Lu Xun Park.

For more information, please visit

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